...It is difficult to determine the exact cause of acne. Doctors have postulated many different and varying causes. What they agree on however is the fact that, first, hormones are a big part in the appearance of acne. In a person's teenage years, male hormones called testosterone are often overproduced by the body, causing the body's sebaceous glands to generate more oil. Dead skin cells combine with the oil or sebum in the face clogging the pores and resulting to comedones (whiteheads) or blackheads. Later on, these can aggravate and become painful pimples....»
Read More: acne-types.blogspot.com
«...Although the triggers for adult acne are unknown, it is thought to have hormonal roots. Therefore, it can be caused by a hormonal imbalances, pollution, medications, or stress as stated above. Studies have shown a direct correlation between hormonal imbalances and outbreaks of acne in women ranging in age from 30 to 40 years, stress, alcohol and hot foods could aggravate the condition. However, adult acne can be fully controlled by various treatments....»
Full Text: http://best-acne-remedies.blogspot.com
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